My objectives behind writing on Amateur radio.

Objective on writing amateur radio

Welcome to the blog of VU3EFL. First and foremost, I’d like to welcome you to the world of amateur radio. I am new to amateur radio, and, also being a blogger and writer, I got the inspiration to write about my amateur radio journey and share my experiences, knowledge, and understanding on this blog.

So the first question that must arise in your mind is, “Why should we read this blog or why should we follow you?”

So my response is that if your and my motivations are similar, we can learn something together; if our motivations are different, there is no need to waste time. I’m sharing my motivation for writing this blog; read it and, if you find it useful, subscribe to it.

I am writing this blog with three main motives in mind.

  1. Introduction to Amateur Radio (HAM Radio)
  2. Appearing of ASOC exam.   (Theory + Morse code practice.)
  3. Being active on the air

Amateur radio: on this blog, I am going to introduce to you one of the most interesting and expensive hobbies: amateur radio. I took the amateur radio ASOC exam in December 2021 and received my license in February 2022. My license number is 43271; since amateur radio became legal in India, approximately 45000 licenses have been issued, with the majority of holders becoming silent key (they are no longer). Out of the rest of the license holders, only about 5,000 to 10,000 are active. This is a very valuable hobby, and I am honored to be a part of it. I’ll go into more detail about amateur radio in a future blog post.

Appearing on the ASOC Exam: You read that correctly. You must pass an exam administered by the WPC wing of the government of India. If you are from another country, you must also take an exam to obtain an amateur radio license.

Being active on the air: after all these efforts, what is the use of a license? Obtaining information and acting on the information obtained is a sign of a good learner. My motive in writing this will be incomplete if you don’t reach this level. I will give my all; are you willing to give your all in order to achieve this goal?

If your answer is yes, then let’s start the journey. Follow my blog on social media, which is below this post, and stay connected with me. We will grow together.

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